Individual therapy is a great way to explore personal issues and challenges as they relate to both mental health and general life goals. Our therapists have expertise in treating a wide range of mental health difficulties using empirically-supported therapeutic approaches including, but not limited to: cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness, and dialectical behavioural therapy. Therapists come from various disciplines and educational backgrounds such as psychology, social work, and occupational therapy.  All treatment providers have specialized training in the therapeutic approaches they use.  Hourly therapy rates vary depending on the training and experience of the therapist you are seeing. Click here to see staff member bios.

Contact Information

To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at