Carl Newton

Practicum Student

Carl Newton is a doctoral student in the University of Ottawa’s Clinical Psychology program. He is currently completing an external practicum with the Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (OICBT) under the supervision of Dr. Kathryn Sexton. Carl has a passion for mental health support and therapy, and is a strong believer that anybody can benefit from therapy, regardless of their past or background. He understands that taking the first step toward seeking help can often be the hardest part, and as a result, focuses on creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for his clients. With this compassionate approach, he strives to positively impact all those he works with.

Only on-line therapy is available.

About Carl

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); Psychology: Honours, Laurentian University, 2005;
Master’s (MA); Applied Psychology; Laurentian University, 2005;
Doctoral Candidate; Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa, Ongoing;

Adults (18+) within the following areas:
Mood disorders
Trauma, PTSD
Obsessive-Compulsive and related disorders
Work Stress and Burnout
Health Psychology
Existential, Meaning and/or Major Life Transitions

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Doctoral Training:
Ottawa-Carleton District Schoolboard
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre (Substance Use & Concurrent Disorders Program)
Centre for Interpersonal Relationships (Areas of Training: Psychodynamic, CBT)


Centre for Psychological Services and Research (Areas of Training: CBT)
Master’s Training:
Deck Psychological Services (Areas of Training: CBT)

Romano, E., Moorman, J., Bonneville, V., Newton, C., & Flynn, R. (2019). Adolescent males in out-of-home care: Past adversity and current functioning. Developmental Child Welfare, 1(3), 199-216. DOI:10.1177/2516103219866198
Gallant, J., North, B., Chamberland, J., LaForge, C., Ferguson, R., Graham, M., Newton, C., & Dickinson, J. (2016, June). Does positive equal negative? A test of the attentional bias in high trait anxiety. Poster presented at the 26th Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.
Newton, C., Valliant, P.M., Urajnik, D., & Fraser, M. (2018, June). Child neglect: Predicting future protection concerns in the context of child vulnerability, caregiver capacity, family functioning, and social support. Poster to be presented at the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Quebec.
Newton, C., Zidenberg, A.M., & Ghaderi, G. (2017, January). Ending the secrecy: Encouraging observer intervention in instances of intimate partner violence. Poster presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Trandovski, K. & Newton, C. (2017, April). Prevention and assessment of PTSD within police services: A literature review. Poster presented at the Forensic Psychology in Canada Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.
Zidenberg, A.M., Harkins, L., & Newton, C. (2017, January). Tipping the scales: Student and community judgments of weight in sexual coercion scenarios. Posterpresented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Antonio, Texas.