Kyle Lemay

CBT Therapist

Kyle Lemay is a therapist at OICBT providing compassionate and comprehensive services for children, adolescents, families, and adults. Kyle provides therapy focused on creativity, self-empowerment, and strength-based approaches. He collaborates closely with clients to tailor interventions to their unique needs and goals. With a warm and empathetic approach, Kyle creates a therapeutic environment where clients feel heard, understood, and empowered to make positive changes. Committed to helping clients navigate challenges, tap into inner resources, and cultivate resilience, Kyle provides personalized support for individuals seeking a life of meaning and fulfillment.

When Kyle’s waitlist is closed, work with his supervisees/consultees can be requested as an indirect means to work under his care. On-line therapy is available

About Kyle

Ph.D. Candidate, Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa, 2017-Present);

Bachelors of Arts (B.A.); Psychology with a concentration in Health Psychology, Honours, Carleton University, 2015-2017;

Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.); Integrated Science and a concentration in Life and Health Science with a minor in Neuroscience and Mental Health, Honours, Carleton University, 2015-2017;

Interdisciplinary Science and Practice – Undergraduate Admissions – Undergraduate Admissions – Carleton University

Kyle provides evidence-based assessment, diagnosis, and intervention services under the supervision of a licensed psychologist and has experience servicing children, adolescents, families/caregivers, and adult populations (age 18-60) within the following areas of focus:

  • Mood Disorders (Depression, Bipolar)
  • Anxiety (Social, Generalized, Panic, Health, Agoraphobia, Specific)
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • Substance Misuse/Addiction
  • Eating Disorders (Restriction, Anorexia, Bulimia, Bingeing, Purging)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive and related disorders (OCD, Hair-pulling, Skin-picking, Body Dysmorphic Disorder)
  • Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum
  • Disorder, Disorders of Intellectual Development)
  • Depersonalization
  • Grief/Loss
  • Life Transitions
  • Interpersonal/Relational goals
  • Tinnitus
  • Health & Lifestyle goals (Balance, Burn-out; Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise, Sports)
  • Motivational work
  • Existential queries (Self-Actualization, Self-Concept/Esteem, Meaning, Purpose, Spirituality)
  • Diversity informed-care

Kyle utilizes a diverse range of therapy techniques, informed by the latest research and personalized to meet the individual needs of each client.

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Schema Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
  • Mindfulness & Compassion based approaches
  • Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)
  • Interpersonal Therapy (ITP)
  • Attachment-Based Therapy
  • Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS)

Ottawa Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Sept 2022;

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Award – Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS-D), 2019-2022;

CIHR CGS Master’s Award, 2018-2019;

Ottawa Excellence Scholarship, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Sept 2018-2023
Admission Scholarship Doctorate, University of Ottawa, (Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies), 2019
Admission Scholarship Master’s Program, University of Ottawa, (Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies), 2017

GPA High Distinction Award and Dean’s Honour List (B.Sc.), University of Ottawa (Faculty of Science – Specialization: Integrated Science and a concentration in Life and Health Science with a minor in Neuroscience and Mental Health, Honours), 2015;

GPA High Distinction Award and Dean’s Honour List (B.A.), University of Ottawa (Department of Psychology – Specialization: Psychology Honours with a concentration in Health Psychology), 2017;

Clarence C. Gibson Scholarship, Carleton University, 2014-2015
E. W. R. Steacie Scholarship, Carleton University, 2013-2014
Recognition by Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention: #1 most cited JCRP article of 2020. Article: Kyle R. Lemay, Heather E. Tulloch, Andrew L. Pipe, & Jennifer L. Reed. (2018) Establishing the Minimal Clinically Important Difference for the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 39(6), E6-E11. DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000379

Kyle is committed to ongoing growth and learning as a fundamental aspect of his personal and professional identity. The following are areas of training during his doctoral training.
Ottawa Institute of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Internship

Child, Adolescent, and Family Centre of Ottawa (CAFCO), Practicum

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Practicum

Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Traumatic Brain Injury and Rehabilitation Neuropsychology), Practicum

Centre for Psychological Services & Research (Areas of Training: CBT), Practicum

Research Publications:
Kyle R. Lemay, Cary S. Kogan, Tahilia Rebello, Jared W. Keeley, Rachna Bhargava, Serafino Buono, Sherva Cooray, Pabasari Ginige, M. Thomas Kishore, John Vijay Sagar Kommu, Marilena Recupero, Ashok Roy, Pratap Sharan, & Geoffrey M. Reed (in press). Implementation of the ICD-11 Behavioural Indicators for Disorders of Intellectual Development with Co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
Kyle R. Lemay, Cary S. Kogan, Tahilia Rebello, Jared Keeley, Rachna Bhargava, Pratap Sharan, Megha Sharma, Kommu John Vijay Sagar, Thomas Kishore, Jair Mari, Pabasari Ginige, Serafino Buono, Marilena Recupero, Marinella Zingale, Tommasa Zagaria, Sherva Cooray, Ashok Roy, & Geoffrey M. Reed (2021). An International Field Study of the ICD-11 Behavioural Indicators Tables for Disorders of Intellectual Development. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66(4), 376-391. doi: 10.1111/jir.12924.
Kyle R. Lemay, Raymond M. McKie, Justine Braham, Ellis E. Furman, Drake Levere, Thomas Sasso, & Todd Coleman (2020). A scoping review of gay men’s sexual relationships and behaviours in high H-index sexuality journals from 2011-2018. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 29(1), 127-137. doi: 10.3138/cjhs.2019-0008.
Johannes Fuss, Kyle Lemay, Dan J. Stein, Peer Briken, Robert Jakob, Cary Kogan, & Geoffrey M. Reed (2019). Public stakeholders’ comments on ICD‐11 chapters related to mental and sexual health. World Psychiatry, 18(2), 233. doi: 10.1002/wps.20635
Adam Heenan, Andrew Pipe, Kyle Lemay, Judith R. Davidson, & Heather Tulloch (2019). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia Tailored to Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: A Pre–Post Study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 18(3), 1-14. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2019.1594815.
Kyle R. Lemay, Heather E. Tulloch, Andrew L. Pipe, & Jennifer L. Reed. (2018) Establishing the Minimal Clinically Important Difference for the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 39(6), E6-E11. #1 most cited JCRP article of 2020. doi: 10.1097/HCR.0000000000000379.

Conference Publications:
Roo T.M. Deinstadt, Kyle R. Lemay, Hendrick Guerra, Julie Boucher, Mélanie Parent, Lillian Kitcher, Teresa MacMillan, Josée Séguin, Michele Hynes, Tim Aubry, & Chantal Krantz (2019). Supporting Parents of Medically Complex Children: Evaluation of the Navigator Program. Presented at the Children’s Healthcare Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 13, 2019.
Kyle R. Lemay, Raymond M. McKie, Drake Levere, Chelsea D. Kilimnik, Chloe Pednault, Alyna Reesor, & Terry P. Humphreys (2019). Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Lifetime sexual victimization of incarcerated men in Ontario. Submitted to be presented at the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2-5th, 2019.
Raymond Mckie, Kyle Lemay, Drake Levere, Micheal Russell, Mark Prokosch (2019). “No homo, no more”: The rise of gay/straight male friendships. Poster presented at SSTAR 2019 (Society for Sex Therapy & Research) Toronto, ON, Canada.
Heather Tulloch, Paul Greenman, Kyle Lemay, Karen Bouchard, Sue Johnson (2019). Relationship distress predicts mental health and quality of life among cardiac rehabilitation patients and partners. Poster presented at the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3-7th, 2019.
Karen Bouchard, Heather Tulloch, Kyle Lemay, Paul Greenman, Sue Johnson (2019). Patient and spousal caregiver quality of life after a cardiac event and cardiac rehabilitation. Poster presented at the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3-7th, 2019.
Kyle R. Lemay, Raymond M. McKie, Drake Levere, Justine Braham, Ellis E. Furman, Thomas Sasso, Todd Coleman (2018). Scoping review findings pertaining to academic rhetoric of sexual relationships in gay men. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November 8-11th.
Heather Tulloch, Katya McKee, Kyle Lemay, Sue Johnson, Karen Zhang, Paul Greenman. (2017). Relationship and psychological distress among cardiac rehabilitation patients and their partners: Preliminary results of the CARE study. European Society of Cardiology. EuroPrevent: European Congress on Preventive Cardiology. Abstract. Submitted.
Heather Tulloch, Katya McKee, Kyle Lemay, Sue Johnson, Karen Zhang, Paul Greenman. (2017). Relationship and psychological distress among cardiac rehabilitation patients and their partners: Preliminary results of the CARE study. European Society of Cardiology. EuroPrevent: European Congress on Preventive Cardiology. Abstract. Submitted.