The purpose of the general diagnostic assessment service is to assess the possible existence of mental health disorders using standard and structured clinical interviews and questionnaires. This service will be most helpful for individuals who are seeking clarification of a diagnosis for the purpose of a medication consult with a treating psychiatrist, and help with treatment planning and the development of accommodation plans with an employer.

Contact Information

Please click here to download a fact sheet about the Intensive Assessment and Diagnosis program.  To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


The purpose of the intensive ADHD assessment service is to assess the possible existence of ADHD using standard clinical and cognitive tests. This service will be most helpful for individuals who are seeking clarification of a diagnosis of ADHD for the purpose of a medication consult with a treating psychiatrist, for treatment planning and for insurance or accommodation purposes.

The assessment involves the following:

  • Clinical intake interview with a Registered Psychologist and/or Registered Psychologist Under Supervised Practice, Ph.D. student or Psychology Resident (all working under the supervision of a registered psychologist). The Registered Psychologist completing and/or supervising the clinical interview makes the final determination with respect to assessing whether a diagnosis is appropriate or not

  • Completion and review of self-report symptom questionnaires

  • Review of school report cards (if available)

  • Intelligence- and memory-related cognitive tests that help to assess for the presence of attention-related deficits

  • 30-minute feedback session with a clinical psychologist and the assessor

  • Detailed report with results and follow-up treatment recommendations

  • Consultation with other professionals as needed to help with treatment needs and goals

The face-to-face portion of the assessment will take approximately 6.5 hours.

Insurance coverage
This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this.

Contact Information

Please click here to download a fact sheet about our Adult ADHD Assessment program. To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


Individual therapy is a great way to explore personal issues and challenges as they relate to both mental health and general life goals. Our therapists have expertise in treating a wide range of mental health difficulties using empirically-supported therapeutic approaches including, but not limited to: cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, mindfulness, and dialectical behavioural therapy. Therapists come from various disciplines and educational backgrounds such as psychology, social work, and occupational therapy.  All treatment providers have specialized training in the therapeutic approaches they use.  Hourly therapy rates vary depending on the training and experience of the therapist you are seeing. Click here to see staff member bios.

Contact Information

To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


Group CBT is an empirically supported treatment that is both structured and collaborative. It is based on a scientific understanding of the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It is a short-term treatment approach that helps people identify unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaving.

We provide several groups that focus on different problems.  Each group aims at helping you develop specific skills to address these problems and find new ways to live a fuller and more meaningful life.

This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this.

For more information, read our group descriptions below and download the accompanying fact sheets. You can also contact us if you want more information:

Phone: 613-820-9931, ext. 0

Email: info@oicbt.ca

To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


The CBT group for depression and anxiety consists of five different modules, with each focusing on a different CBT skill, including understanding and identifying your thoughts and emotions, making healthy behavioural changes, challenging your unhelpful thoughts, developing your problem-solving skills, and reducing fear and anxiety through exposure exercises.

CBT Group for Anxiety and Depression Fact Sheet

Please note: This group is paused until further notice.


The Core Beliefs Group focuses on identifying and challenging core beliefs (core beliefs are central beliefs that people hold about the self, others and the world) that are related to problems with depression, anxiety and interpersonal situations. The focus of this group is to help individuals first identify their core beliefs and to then challenge these beliefs through the use of emotion-focused, cognitive and behavioral strategies.

Core Beliefs Group Fact Sheet

Please note: This group is paused until further notice.


The ADHD Skills group at the OICBT is a treatment option for adults who experience symptoms of ADHD. This group was designed based on the evidence-based cognitive-behavioural therapy treatment model for ADHD. This group also integrates elements of other therapeutic techniques to more explicitly address emotion regulation and interpersonal difficulties that are also commonly experienced by adults with ADHD. This group aims to help people enhance their ability to manage their attention and activity level difficulties by teaching behavioural strategies and skills to improve their organization, reduce distractibility and procrastination, and by incorporating attention training (e.g., mindfulness), training in emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness skills, as well as education about other difficulties that may co-occur with ADHD, like sleep difficulties, mood and anxiety symptoms, and substance use.

ADHD Group Fact Sheet

Emotions, Acceptance & The Art of Coping Group

Details coming soon….

Emotions, Acceptance & The Art of Coping Fact Sheet

Home & Community Based Program

The Home and Community Program provides evidence-based treatment to individuals with anxiety disorders and depression who require moderate- to high-intensity treatment. 

One of the greatest challenges for the treatment of mental health problems is the accessibility of services. In some cases, the mental health difficulties themselves make it difficult for individuals to access services. Individuals with anxiety and mood disorders, for example, may have great difficulty even leaving their home to attend appointments.  In addition, treatment outside the therapist’s office (e.g., busy shopping mall, getting on the bus) is often indicated as the therapist can then directly help the client implement and practice strategies introduced in treatment. Few therapists, however, are able to provide off-site services. To address these limitations, we initiated a program focused on increasing access to mental health services in the community. The overall goal of the home- and community-based program is to provide evidence-based treatment to individuals who will benefit from accessing services within their homes and/or within relevant community settings.

Why CBT in the home and community? 
CBT is a skills-based approach that involves practicing a set of cognitive and behavioural skills. Given the focus of CBT on practicing skills outside of the therapists’ office, the need for coaching and modelling of these skills in the real world and with real problems is essential.  These problems may include problems with home management, exercise, increasing social activity, difficulties with organisation and planning, reducing engagement in compulsive behaviours and exposing self to feared situations, events and objects.  The importance of practice in therapy is emphasized by the benefits associated with completion of homework in CBT. Because individuals experiencing anxiety, depression and attentional problems often report difficulty initiating, maintaining or completing assigned homework tasks on their own, coaching plays an important role in the therapy process.

Putting goals in place
The home- and community-based program aims to help individuals meet their therapy goals.  Working in collaboration with behavioural aides, clients get started on tasks they have been avoiding or they begin facing fearful situations.  These exercises are completed as part of a treatment plan developed in collaboration with a treating psychologist.  While the length of CBT treatment within the home- and community-based program is flexible, treatment usually starts with 6- to-15 weekly or bi-weekly sessions. Therapists regularly evaluate a client’s progress by reviewing patterns in self-reported anxiety and depressive symptoms. This service is offered at the client’s home and/or in relevant community-based settings.

Insurance coverage
This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this.

Contact Information
To make an appointment, or to get more information about our our Home and Community Program, including fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) program at the OICBT is based on Marsha Linehan’s evidence-based treatment model for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It aims to help people enhance their ability to manage their emotions by teaching them problem solving and coping skills. It is a skills-based treatment that is helpful for those experiencing difficulties managing difficult emotions and behaviours. 

This is a comprehensive treatment program that involves individual psychotherapy and group skills training. In order to participate in the program, participants need to commit to weekly group therapy sessions and supplementary individual therapy sessions.

OUTLINE OF PROGRAM: Mindfulness skills are central to DBT and are integrated throughout the DBT program. The core modules of the DBT program include:

1- Emotion Regulation Skills (9 sessions): Learning to understand, name and change emotions. 

2- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills (7 sessions): Learning to maintain healthy relationships and foster self-respect

3- Distress Tolerance Skills (8 sessions): Learning to survive and manage crisis periods.

Insurance coverage

This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this.

Contact Information

Please click here to download a fact sheet about our DBT group.  To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca



The Stage 2 Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) program at the OICBT is the second stage of the OICBT’s DBT program. To learn more about the first stage of this program, please click here. The goal of the Stage 2 DBT program is to implement skills learned into valued based-living and to become autonomous with the implementation of self-directed therapy.

OUTLINE OF PROGRAM: A weekly 2 hour Group. Clients can obtain adjunct services (e.g., Individual Therapy; coached calls) upon request (at the hourly rate of the therapist). The core modules of the Stage 2 DBT group include:

Module 1: Valued-Living through Emotion Regulation (8 sessions): Focused on themes and strategies related to Emotion regulation, Values Identification, Goal setting and Choice points, Chain Analysis, Thoughts as Stories, Rewriting our Story, & implementation of Self-Therapy

Module 2: Emotion Regulation and Traumatic Growth (8 sessions): Focused on strategies related to the Stress Response, Trauma identification & impacts, Attachment; Healthy Boundaries; Resiliency within a Sensitized System; Connections; & Shame

Insurance coverage

This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this.

Contact Information

Please click here to download a fact sheet about our Stage 2 DBT group.  To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


 DBT Intensive Treatment Program

The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Intensive Treatment Program at the OICBT is based on Marsha Linehan’s evidence-based treatment model for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and on best-practice models for the treatment of severe anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Agoraphobia), mood disorders (depression and bipolar), trauma-related disorders (including PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).  It aims to help people enhance their ability to manage their emotions by teaching them problem solving and coping skills. It is a skills-based treatment that is helpful for those experiencing difficulties managing difficult emotions and behaviours. 

This is a comprehensive treatment program involving weekly individual therapy sessions, coach therapy sessions, group therapy, interpersonally-based sessions and/or family accomodation. Our team includes psychologists, social workers, behavioural therapists, and occupational therapists. 

Outline of the DBT Intensive Treatment Program
Patients are involved with the program anywhere between 3.5 hours/week to 10 hours/week, for an average of 12 weeks. This program involves:

  • A tailored case conceptualization and treatment plan based on the client’s presenting issues and therapy/life goals.

  • Weekly coached sessions

  • Weekly individual therapy sessions with a primary therapist

  • Weekly DBT Group therapy (one of the following modules:)

    • Emotion Regulation Skills (9 sessions): Learning to understand, name and change emotions. 

    • Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills (7 sessions): Learning to maintain healthy relationships and foster self-respect

    • Distress Tolerance Skills (8 sessions): Learning to survive and manage crisis periods.

  • Integration of family into treatment with the goal of helping them to recognize and interrupt compulsions through the active reduction of reassurance and accommodation behaviours

  • Home and community-based visits to target symptoms in the environments in which they interfere the most

  • Interpersonally-based sessions focusing on topics such as self-esteem and interpersonal patterns

  • Stepped-care approach tailoring the intensity level based on clients’ needs

This program is offered Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 7:00pm (schedules vary). Prior to being accepted in the program, participants will need to have completed the general intake to assess tailored-treatment needs.

Insurance coverage
This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this. 

Contact information
Please click here to download a fact sheet about our DBT Intensive Treatment Program.  To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


The intensive treatment program at the OICBT is based on best-practice models for the treatment of severe anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Agoraphobia), mood disorders (depression and bipolar), trauma-related disorders (including PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) .  This program is based on evidence-based CBT practice, motivational interviewing, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and emotional resilience skills. With these interventions, we aim to help patients overcome their symptoms and impact on important life goals so they can feel empowered and re-engage in valued activities. This is a comprehensive treatment program involving weekly individual therapy sessions, coach therapy sessions, group therapy, interpersonally-based sessions and/or family accomodation. Our team includes psychologists, social workers, behavioural therapists, and occupational therapists. 

Outline of the Intensive Treatment Program
Patients are involved with the program anywhere between 3.5 hours/week to 10 hours/week, for an average of 12 weeks. This program involves:

  • A tailored case conceptualization and treatment plan based on the client’s presenting issues and therapy/life goals.

  • One to two weekly coached sessions

  • One to two weekly individual therapy sessions with a primary therapist

  • Integration of family into treatment with the goal of helping them to recognize and interrupt compulsions through the active reduction of reassurance and accommodation behaviours

  • Home and community-based visits to target symptoms in the environments in which they interfere the most

  • Interpersonally-based sessions focusing on topics such as self-esteem and interpersonal patterns

  • Stepped-care approach tailoring the intensity level based on clients’ needs

This program is offered Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm (schedules vary). Prior to being accepted in the program, participants will need to have completed the general intake to assess tailored-treatment needs.

Insurance coverage
This type of service is usually covered for individuals with extended health care benefits; however, we recommend that you follow-up with your insurance company to confirm this. 

Contact information
Please click here to download a fact sheet about our Intensive Treatment Program.  To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca


Virtual reality (VR) therapy is an innovative and effective way to treat a range of mental health problems. Much like virtual reality in other realms such as gaming, VR therapy makes use of headsets and software to allow clients to experience situations that are related to their anxieties or fears virtually, such as fear of flying, social anxiety, specific phobias (e.g., fear of cats, dogs, snakes, and spiders), and obsessions (e.g., fears of germs or contamination). One course of treatment includes an estimated 10 sessions..

Contact information
Please click here to download a fact sheet about our Virtual Reality Program.  We also have a brochure available here for health professionals who would like to pass on information to their patients. To make an appointment, or to get more information about this service, including the fees, please click on the “Book Now” button at the top of our homepage. If you have any other questions you can contact us by phone (613-820-9931, ext. 0) or by email at info@oicbt.ca